Throughout September, the Conscience Foundation volunteers determined conscientious behaviors every week. However, it was Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi's conscientious struggle that left its mark on September. Ayşenur was an activist who fought against injustice and stood by the oppressed throughout her life. Ayşenur, who could not remain silent against the oppression experienced especially in Palestine, went to the West Bank and stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Unfortunately, he was shot dead by Israeli soldiers during a protest in the West Bank resort of Beita on September 6, 2023. His courage and fight for human rights were considered exemplary behavior not only for the week but for the entire month of September .
This struggle was a source of inspiration that directly aligned with our foundation’s vision and values. We will always remember Ayşenur’s sacrifice and continue her fight for justice. You can access the blog post announcing Ayşenur’s selection as the exemplary conduct of the week here.
Other Conscientious Acts of September
Throughout September, a number of inspiring actions were selected weekly. Conscience Foundation volunteers made these selections using the Conscience Scale . This scale assesses an action’s relevance to human rights, social benefit and ethical responsibility. With this template, which anyone can use, we can reflect on what it means to be conscientious. Here are some other conscientious actions that were highlighted in September:
First Week of September: Fumio Kishida's Resignation Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has resigned, taking political responsibility. This act was chosen as the conscientious act of the week as an example of leadership that looks out for the public good. Kishida took a bold step to regain the public's trust after corruption scandals in his party. Click to access the blog post.
Third Week of September: Javier Bardem's Call to Conscience Famous Spanish actor Javier Bardem drew attention to humanitarian crises around the world with his speech at the San Sebastián Film Festival. Bardem, who displayed a conscientious stance by touching on the tragedies in Gaza, was chosen as the conscientious act of the week with this call. Click to reach the blog post.
Fourth Week of September: Support from Stango, President of the Italian Federation for Human Rights Antonio Stango, President of the Italian Federation for Human Rights, was chosen as the conscientious act of the week for his sensitive stance on the cause of girls in Turkey and his international advocacy of human rights. Stango strengthened international solidarity with his support for human rights violations. Click to access the blog post.
The Conscience Scale: How Do We Assess Whether a Behavior Is Conscientious?
As the Conscience Foundation, we use an assessment tool called the Conscience Scale when determining weekly exemplary behaviors. This scale analyzes a behavior's contribution to human rights, benefit to society, ethical responsibility and pursuit of justice. Our volunteers and followers can also use this template to think about whether a behavior is conscientious. You can access our Conscience Scale here.
These conscientious behaviors selected in September will remain as inspiring examples for all of us who fight for social justice and human rights. As the Conscience Foundation, we will continue to support everyone who fights for justice and humanity.