This week, we are proud to present the powerful and emotional speech given by a Harvard graduate named Ali Mirza as the "Example of Conscience of the Week". This young man, whose name we do not know, drew attention to the injustice and oppression in Palestine in his speech at the graduation ceremony. Here is the text of his speech:
"We are here to address the urgency of our moment. In America, in that shining city on a hill, we may condemn the invasion of Ukraine, while we support the genocide and occupation of Palestinians and brutally suppress young people who oppose it with our police force. As we graduate from Harvard, we graduate from an institution that has helped destroy and profited from the destruction of 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including 15,000 children. This institution uses its soft power to support the apartheid regime. As we celebrate our graduation, Harvard University, fearful of students who stand up for Palestinian freedom, has chosen not to award diplomas to our friends who have met all graduation requirements and, more importantly, who exemplified Veritas (truth) in their objections. These students may not receive the diplomas they deserve, but they will walk out of Harvard's gates with something much more important: a clear conscience and a steadfast commitment to humanity. Take heart from their determination and honor their sacrifice by speaking out for the oppressed. Honor it. Harvard is punishing its pro-Palestinian students, while the ongoing Nekba and the Gaza situation represent the worst of the current order. Entire universities have been destroyed. Journalists have been massacred. Children are still buried under the rubble of their homes, hospitals and schools, all of this in the last seven months with the cooperation of this institution and the nation. But in the midst of this disaster, in this situation that has continued for over 76 years, we find the best of humanity. Last year, some of my group and I visited occupied Palestine. We saw resistance. We saw resistance manifested in indigenous farming practices, in the preservation of heritage through art, in beauty.”
This brave student inspires all those who dare to speak up for the Palestinian people and not remain silent against injustice. We see his powerful speech as a call to conscience for all concerned people around the world.