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What is the Conscience Scale?

The Conscience Scale is an assessment tool that determines whether a behavior is conscientious or not. Developed by the Conscience Foundation, this scale analyzes behaviors according to certain criteria and objectively evaluates whether they are conscientious or not. We developed this scale for our volunteers to use when evaluating the sample conscientious behaviors we publish every week. You can also use it to measure whether any behavior you encounter is conscientious or not.

We have produced this scale based on our CONSCIENCE REPORT CARD. You can use our CONSCIENCE REPORT CARD to measure how conscientious an individual you are.

We do not expect this scale to be absolute or definitive. We are aware that conscience has many dimensions that cannot fit into this scale. However, we want to use such simple tools to move forward in our never-ending search for the meaning of conscience.

You can also search for conscientious behavior using the scale below.

Elimination Criteria

Eliminatory criteria are used to determine whether a behavior has the basic conscientious qualities. These criteria are designed to eliminate unconscientious or inappropriate behavior at an early stage. Answering “Yes” to the questions in this section indicates that the behavior is not conscientious and ends the evaluation process.

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Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria are used to help us form an opinion about whether a behavior is conscientious. These criteria help us evaluate whether the behavior has basic conscientious elements such as empathy, altruism, and agency. If you want, you can also measure the conscientiousness of the behavior by giving 1 point to each YES answer (for example, you can consider a behavior that gets 5 yes out of 8 questions as conscientious): As we said, we are not trying to define conscience in an absolute and definitive way with these tools, but on the contrary, we want them to guide us and give us ideas in our search for conscience. Ultimately, how and for what purpose you use them is up to you.

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