Our society needs conscience more than ever. The mission of the Conscience Foundation is to meet this vital need. We are excitedly moving forward with our volunteers in Istanbul for new projects! 🌍 #ConscienceFoundation #ConscienceMeetings #SocialJustice
On Wednesday, August 28, the volunteers of the Vicdan Foundation Istanbul came together in Istanbul. The meeting, which took place in the office of one of the Istanbul volunteers and was accompanied by warm hospitality, was full of in-depth conversations and productive discussions.

During the meeting, various economic, social and justice-related problems in our country were addressed from a conscience perspective. The purpose and dream of the Conscience Foundation were explained. The importance of conscience and reminding society of conscience values in combating existing problems was emphasized. It was emphasized that our society and the world need conscience more than ever, and therefore how vital the foundation's mission is.
One of the highlights was the dedication of our volunteers to the foundation’s mission and their excitement about how this mission could be reflected in the work in Istanbul. In line with this, ideas were exchanged on projects and events planned to be carried out in Istanbul. In this context, it was decided that the Istanbul team would hold regular online or physical meetings. It was also emphasized that the foundation’s project for this purpose, Conscience Meetings, should be prioritized in Istanbul as well, in order to create spaces where individuals from different segments of society can come together and understand each other.
Finally, the meeting ended with wishes and hopes. As Istanbul Conscience Volunteers, we look forward to coming together stronger with each meeting.