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Crisis of Conscience

Müdessir Oğur

Etymologically, the basic existence of man is conscience. In other words, conscience can be considered as the building block of man. Conscious spirit should be taken as the basis of consciousness. However, modern societies are increasingly taking on a commercial structure and this situation is paving the way for the loss of human values. As profit and interest-oriented thoughts increase, it becomes inevitable for basic conscience rights and freedoms to be ignored.

The fact that some officials within the bureaucracy do not know the laws suggests that they need to specialize even more. However, the point to be considered here is whether the laws are based on conscience. If the laws are implemented without considering the principles of justice and conscience, they can create oppression and victimization on people. For example, it is seen that people struggling in Palestine are oppressed under laws implemented without considering conscience values. Such situations show that laws can turn from being a tool to provide justice into a tool of oppression.

In the Middle East, many communities, especially the Kurdish people, live under exploitation. It is extremely painful to know that these people are oppressed not under the shadow of weapons but under oppressive laws. This is a kind of legal oppression. This situation is not limited to the Middle East. In countries such as Europe and America, which have strong economies and solid infrastructures, there are many problems such as femicide, violence against animals, poor prison conditions and the negativities brought by urban transformation projects. The unfair gain in agricultural activities, the deepening of socio-economic and racial discrimination are the results of the arbitrary application of laws.

In this context, it is not enough to just know the laws. The information must be used correctly and the laws must be based on conscientious foundations. Under each law, it must be clearly stated what the weight of the concept of conscience means. It is like being an expert in the accounting of conscience...

"Every tyrant has a heart, but not every heart has a conscience."

Conscience is an ineradicable part of the human soul. The concept of conscience should not be ignored when constructing laws and administrative structures. Otherwise, when conscience is not taken as a basis, the future of countries like Turkey will be dragged into a dangerous path:

  • The fact that Cemile's body, which was murdered during the curfew, was forced to be kept in the refrigerator by her mother so that it would not smell is an indication of the lack of conscience.

  • The mass killing of people in the Dersim massacre so that bullets would not go to waste reveals the lack of conscience of that period.

  • The main reason why children were burned to death in the Amuda cinema in Syria is lack of conscience.

  • During the Zilan massacre during the Republican era, the disembowelment of the dead pregnant women and the wagering of bets on their gender reveals the lack of conscience in those days.

  • The heartbreaking events that girls were subjected to recently in Diyarbakır and Tekirdağ...

  • Saturday Mothers, starting with Taybet Ana, Halabja, Roboski, Rwanda, Uyghur Turks who have been subjected to Chinese oppression for years, the people of Syria who were displaced from their homeland by the Bosnian genocide and ISIS oppression…

Every hero who died for identity, democracy and culture has succumbed to the lack of conscience of oppressors. Universal human rights are the inalienable rights of every individual; however, material powers are increasingly endangering this right. Societies have suffered a great loss of value in this area and this weakness has turned into a deepening crisis. The basis of all humanitarian crises in the world is lack of conscience, and this situation can be called a “social crisis of conscience”. Conscience is the compass of man and we are losing this compass every day.

The world is facing not only economic and natural disasters, but also crises of conscience. And we are all both responsible for and victims of these crises.

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