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Kocaeli Meeting: “Let's Meet in the Unity of Conscience”


Today, Gülümse Cafe located in Kocaeli Yahya Kaptan hosted a meaningful event organized by the Vicdan Foundation. In this “Conscience Meeting” event attended by approximately 20 people, Vicdan Foundation President Mr. Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu explained the foundation’s mission and its contributions to the social structure in Turkey in detail.

Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu began his speech by explaining why the Conscience Foundation was needed. He stated that the foundation aimed to fill the gaps in the social structure and prevent the separation caused by these gaps. Gergerlioğlu drew attention to the importance of conscience, stating that this concept stands independent of and beyond any identity. Stating that people resort to their conscience as a last resort in all kinds of difficulties they encounter, Gergerlioğlu emphasized that many segments of society in Turkey are seen as “others.”

Gergerlioğlu appealed to people's consciences, stating that everyone should respect the views of others and that differences should be accepted. Stating that the most fundamental goal of the Vicdan Foundation is to prevent the formation of a "new other" in society, Gergerlioğlu emphasized that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop empathy and bring the unifying power of conscience to the forefront.

Gergerlioğlu, who ended his speech at the event by saying, "Let's meet in the unifying spirit of conscience, not in the divisiveness of otherness," received great applause from the participants. This meeting was remembered as an example of the Vicdan Foundation's efforts to contribute to social peace.

The Conscience Foundation will continue to raise social awareness and encourage individuals to empathize and respect different views through such events. Inviting people from all segments of society to come together under the unifying power of conscience, the foundation will continue to make its voice heard with similar events in the future.

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