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What Comes to Mind When Conscience is Mentioned

As Conscience Foundation , we asked our friends to understand the concept of conscience in depth and raise awareness on this issue. "Can you write down the first three words that come to your mind when you say conscience?" via our volunteer WhatsApp group and Twitter account. we said. The aim of this study was to reveal which values are at the forefront in our society and which concepts establish a strong connection with people's conscience.

Answers from Our Friends

The answers we received from our friends showed that certain words were emphasized much more than others. Here are the most emphasized words and their frequency of repetition:

  • Mercy (13 times) : Shows how important emotions such as mercy, empathy and compassion are in our society. Compassion forms the basis of cooperation and solidarity between people. People stated that their conscience was strengthened by a sense of compassion and made them want to help others.

  • Justice (13 times) : Justice is one of the cornerstones of a society based on fairness and honesty. People demand a fair legal system and a fair life. The sense of justice awakens in people's conscience the desire to fight against injustice and achieve equality.

  • Morality (6 times) : Morality plays an important role in maintaining social values and ethical rules. This concept determines people's responsibilities towards each other and society. Moral values provide individuals with the ability to distinguish between right and wrong in their conscience.

  • Empathy (4 times) : Empathy means understanding and sharing the feelings of others. In our society, empathy strengthens human relations and social bonds. Empathy, an important part of conscience, enables people to be more understanding and supportive of each other.

  • Love (3 times) and Sincerity (3 times) : Love and sincerity show that people seek sincerity and honesty in their relationships with each other. These emotions are the foundation of strong and healthy relationships. Love and sincerity enable conscientious individuals to be more compassionate and open towards society and individuals.

  • Human (2 times) and Humanity (2 times) : The concepts of human and humanity emphasize the need to protect human rights and human dignity. The importance given to these values in our society reveals how valuable human dignity is. Being conscientious requires respecting human dignity and defending human rights.

  • Objection (2 times) : Objection means standing against injustice and defending justice. This concept reflects people's determination to seek justice. Conscientious individuals see it as their duty to stand against injustice and defend justice.

  • Good (2 times) and Heart (2 times) : Kindness and heart indicate people's efforts to be well-intentioned and sensitive. These values contribute to the strengthening of social ties. Conscience is shaped by kindness and heart; This allows people to be more understanding and supportive of each other.

  • Sensitivity (2 times) and Reasoning (2 times) : Sensitivity and judgment refer to emotional intelligence and logical thinking skills. These abilities enable people to be more understanding and fair towards each other. Conscientious individuals exhibit more fair and compassionate approaches to society by using their sensitivity and judgment skills.

  • Tolerance (2 times) and Humility (2 times) : Tolerance and humility show people's efforts to be respectful and humble towards each other. These values form the basis of a peaceful and harmonious society. Conscientious individuals support social peace and harmony by showing tolerance and humility.

As a result of this small study, we saw how much our society cares about basic values such as compassion and justice. As Vicdan Foundation , we will continue to work to further disseminate these values and raise awareness on this issue. Coming together around these core values will strengthen our social consciousness and conscience.

We shared the visual results of the answers above. The words that come to our friends' minds the most are repeated more. Words that are repeated more often are written larger, words that are repeated less often are written smaller. Thus, we have the opportunity to see our friends' perceptions on this issue in a single frame.

Keep following us and thinking about what conscience is, together we will continue to work for a more conscientious and fair society.

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