Pioneers of Conscience

Muhammet ve Dawn Bzeek
Muhammet Bzeek, terminal hastalığı olan çocuklara sevgi dolu bir yuva sunarak, onların hayatlarının son anlarını huzur içinde geçirmelerini sağlayan bir fedakârlık sembolüdür. Kendi sağlık sorunlarına ve kayıplarına rağmen, insanlık adına yılmadan bu kutsal görevi sürdürmektedir.

Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi was an activist born in Turkey and raised in the United States. Known for her fight for human rights and pursuit of justice, Eygi was known for her commitment to the Palestinian cause and was shot dead by Israeli soldiers during a protest in the occupied West Bank.

Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie, an American peace activist, has become a symbol of nonviolent resistance and conscience. She died in 2003 while standing up to Israeli bulldozers that were trying to destroy Palestinian homes in Gaza. Corrie dedicated her life to the struggle for justice and human rights. Her struggle has inspired peace advocates and conscience movements around the world.

Stefan Zweig
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), an Austrian writer, is a thinker who masterfully deals with the depths of the human soul, moral conflicts and the concept of conscience in his works. In works such as "Conscience Against Tyranny" in particular, he deals with the decisions individuals make in the face of oppressive regimes and authorities, guided by their conscience. Zweig saw conscience as man's strongest moral compass and advocated free thought. Throughout his life, even in the dark ages of Europe, he exalted human dignity and moral responsibility and continued his search for human rights and justice.